Saturday, 11 June 2011

Dear Mother,

 The reason I tend to "freak out" and "obsess over" situations like this are because I have severe anxiety issues. So severe is my anxiety that the only way I can control it is by fasting and extreme restricting. Some people like to call this Anorexia, but our family is perfect and such things could not be possible.

 It does truly bother me that instead of recognizing that your daughter has had these issues for over 8 years now, you continue to yell at me for it and make me feel worse than I already do when I spiral out of control. I will be the first to admit that I've overreacted over the past two days, I know that I could have handled the situation a lot better than I did. But here's the thing, I can't control this sometimes. When you come between me and my eating/fitness routine I have the potential to snap and drive myself crazy over it. Yelling at me has never stopped this from happening so perhaps it's time for a different approach?

Oh yeah, I haven't eaten today and you've been in the kitchen the whole time and haven't said boo to me. Times like these I feel truly loved.

Anyways on a note that isn't my wench of a mother, I have my period. The bloat has ballooned me to 117, and the stress of having to miss Yoga this morning has not helped me in any way. At least I have work tonight where I'm on my feet all night. I think I'll even jiggle my legs at the hostess stand to burn a few extra calories. Couldn't hurt, right?

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