Monday, 8 August 2011

Cabbage Soup for Two.

I've forgotten to mention something very important to you guys: I've met a fellow Ana at work! At first we both seemed normal to each other, but slowly the more we talked it just came out. We're dieting, crazy, food obsessed Anas. We literally discuss our diet and food plans and goals our entire shift. So much fun!

It's also really nice to finally have someone who knows what this is like. Now I know I have all of you, and believe me when I say that all of your comments help and mean so much to me. But it's nice to be able to talk to someone face to face and know that I'm not the only one who loses control like this.

So together we're doing a 7 day Cabbage Soup Diet. I'm making it with my mum this evening and I'll be sure to post the recipe for you guys but it's basically going to be vegetarian, low-cal, low-sodium, and super healthy. My mum once told me that it's good to eat nothing but boiled cabbage for a few days once a year, that her doctor recommended it once as a good detox for all the horrible things the average person puts in their body. So why not try it out? I think nothing but cabbage soup for a week should result in a loss.

I'll keep you posted Angels,

1 comment:

  1. I just might try that next week :) Not in a "I'll start tomorrow"-kind of way, but I'd have to coordinate it with the diet I'm already on. Anything to boost my weight loss is poorly needed, as about 0.5 lbs a day is a bit to slow for me.
