Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day 6 of the Great 40 Day Fast.

Woke up really sick today. Ate normally because I don't believe in fasting when you're sick. I did really well at my grandmother's yesterday. I ate a bit of salad and some cabbage and said no to ice cream, chicken, cake, and mashed potatoes. Both my Aunt and my cousin said I'd lost weight, which made me so ridiculously happy. So I'm not too stressed about today. I'll fast until Friday night if my fever's gone by tomorrow.

Stay healthy Angels,


  1. Hope you start feeling better! That's good you ate some because food will give your body energy to help recover. Great job resisting all that food too!

  2. when i start severely restricting i ALWAYS get sick for at least the first 3 weeks. i hope you have a stronger immune system than me lol.

    i feel like a jerk for saying this, but people who fast for "health benefits" say that when you're fasting your body can put more energy toward fighting illnesses since its not using the energy to digest food. idk if this is true, but just putting it out there.

    but in my opinion, letting your body recover with a little food and rest seems more reasonable (:

    your family said you lost weight! that's great!

    feel better soon, and enjoy knowing you've shrunk (:

  3. Wow you are awesome for resisting all that! I am sending you skinnies darling girl, be strong! Also, I nominated you for an award, check it out. :)

  4. Just found your blog and you truely are an amazing writer. I love the idea of a daylight fast (unfortunatly not really an option in Alaska since we're so close to summer (and with twelve hours of sunlight a day I wouldn't be eating till 8 pm and thats off-limits time for me). Oh well, maybe this fall. Amazing job resisting all those foods, eat fruits and veggies and loads of water. Hope you're feeling better soon, stay strong!
    Skinny Love,
